According to official news, the Australian Monochrome Bitcoin Spot ETF (IBTC) held 303 BTC as of March 7, a decrease of 17 BTC from March 6, and the position was worth about $42.534 million.
据官方消息,澳大利亚 Monochrome 比特币现货 ETF(IBTC)截至 3 月 7 日持仓达 303 枚 BTC,较 3 月 6 日减少 17 枚 BTC,持仓价值约 4253.4 万美元。
According to court documents, the Department of Justice is still asking Google to sell its web browser Chrome, but is no longer asking it to divest from its investments in artificial intelligence. The request was first made last year during Joe Biden's presidency, but the Justice Department appears to be sticking to the plan during Trump's second administration. After the Department of Justice and 38 state attorneys general filed antitrust lawsuits against Google, Judge Amit P. Mehta ruled that ...
根据法庭文件,美国司法部仍要求谷歌出售其网络浏览器 Chrome ,但不再要求其剥离在人工智能领域的投资。这一要求首次提出是在去年乔·拜登担任总统期间,然而在特朗普的第二届政府任期内,司法部似乎仍坚持这一计划。 此前美国司法部和38个州的总检察长对谷歌提起了反垄断诉讼,法官阿米特·P·梅塔裁定谷...
According to Cointelegraph, U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) Commissioner Goldsmith Romero said she will step down from the commission once a new person selected by President Trump takes office. According to the report, after Romero's resignation, Kristen Johnson will become the only Democrat on the CFTC's five-member committee. Goldsmith Romero helped rebuild the CFTC's technical advisory committee, which was designed to guide the agency on how best to deal with the cryptocurren...
据Cointelegraph报道,美国CFTC(商品期货交易委员会)委员Goldsmith Romero表示,她将在特朗普总统挑选的新人上任后辞去该委员会的职务。 报道指出,Romero辞职后,克里斯汀·约翰逊将成为CFTC五人委员会中唯一的民主党人。Goldsmith Romero曾在CFTC帮助重建了技术咨询委员会,该委员会旨在指导该机构如何最好地应对加密货币行业。 此前消息,特朗普选择a16z加密政策负责人BrianQuintenz...
According to official news, the Australian Monochrome Spot Bitcoin ETF (IBTC) has a position of 319 BTC as of February 20, and the market value of the position has touched about 48.704 million dollars.
据官方消息,澳大利亚Monochrome现货比特币 ETF(IBTC)截至2月20日持仓达319枚BTC,持仓市值触及约4870.4万美元。
Dan Romero, co-founder of Farcaster, said that Warpcast has launched a new function, and the token symbol or CA in the information flow can be jumped to the share of holders. If users browse to the token CA on the homepage information flow page, they can click to jump to the token detail page, including the share of holders associated with the Farcaster account and the value of the position, and can be exchanged for tokens.
据HODL 15Capital披露,加密资产管理公司Monochrome在新加坡推出了面向机构投资者的比特币ETF产品。
Aerodrome announced that its Public Goods Fund (PGF) has repurchased $1.50 million worth of AERO tokens and locked them up as veAERO.
Aerodrome ranks first in total lock-in value (TVL) among all DEXs in the Base chain, having exceeded $1 billion and accounting for 70.9% of DEX TVL across the network.